Windows 10 PE AnkhTech - неплохой загрузочный комплект WinPE10x64. В ядро подключены основные програмы.
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2.Ссылка на GetSpace
1.Ссылка на офсайт
2.Ссылка на GetSpace
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grimanfs, что за антицензор, выложи чтоб и другие знали как качать
Hi, glad to see you here. My russion friend and I makes new program as extension by WinNTSetup. Soon it will be ready. There are more programs here too,that you can use in your WinPE. If some programs likes just get.hey it's good to be here
i came here because i could use some help to make the WinPE in a better shape
i have already released V2 , right now i'm working on V3
i could use some Advises about the programs that should be added and i didn't add yet
if i could start a discussion somewhere or here should be fine , just tell me because I'm a little lost here
Look here.That's awesome news , i will keep checking here everyday
right now i'm searching for the most useful programs to add it to my WinPE , when i finish i will post screenshots here of the Programs inside the WinPE , maybe you know a program that i didn't add that is important so you can suggest it to me and i will try to find it and add it
thanks for your help in advance , also the programs you sent to me before were very helpful
actually i was looking in the names in this WinPE
your link is the PE from Conty9. I communicate with him at Telegram. He makes new tools, but now they are locked in 7z with password. But I have a key to unlock. ;)actually i was looking in the names in this WinPE
i have been collecting the useful programs that are written in the list and adding them to my WinPE