Windows 10 PE AnkhTech


exactly :)

Size of v3 is too big. Make v.4 with tools pack outside the PE core. The way of using PStart is very good, but load it from outside the core.
it's not that big compared to 4GB and 3GB other WinPEs , if you mean the boot.wim then some programs i can't take out of the boot and some files i can't delete from the system it will break alot of the programs

yeah the idea of loading from outside the core is good so it can be modified easily , i didn't know that when i added it and changing it's location will require to make all the shortcuts in it from the beginning because they will be all broken

i will try these stuff in V4 maybe i can do it


in the next few days i will be working on V4
i will be adding these programs

i need help in something
some users who has AMD iGPUs , complained about the WinPE being in 800x600 and can't change the resolution
i need a VGA driver for AMD iGPUs ,
because it works fine on nvidia and Intel that's i know i just need a small VGA driver for AMD

here is the issue explained by the user in comments
i'm asking here thought maybe some one got an idea about it


Команда форума
Liu, one more time want to say - leave core possibly minimal. Core must stay minimal.
All need drivers and soft can load later at process of booting from outside the core.
Use this tool to autoinstall needed drivers in PE.


Use switches.
Последнее редактирование:


Liu, one more time want to say - leave core possibly minimal. Core must stay minimal.
All need drivers and soft can load later at process of booting from outside the core.
Use this tool to autoinstall needed drivers in PE.
Посмотреть вложение 445

Посмотреть вложение 447

Use switches.
i understand , i will probably try to reduce the core size in this version , but i will delay the drivers issue to another time because it's gonna need alot of time and i still didn't finish the required programs


i will delay the fix for the drivers issue to V5 , in V4 i will focus on adding some programs which some people suggested , also i will start trying to clean System32 , because i'm sure there is alot of useless files in it but it's a painful process that's why i delayed it to V4 until i'm sure everything works fine

also i have been alittle sick in the past days that i can't do much , i hope i get better soon and finish it


what i added ,
BurnInTest 9.2 and 8.1
R-Drive Image and R-Studio
Broadcom ghost64 v12 , Symantec Ghost V12 , and OneKey Ghost
WirelessKeyView , USBDeview ,
HDD Low Level Format , DiskGenius

some of stuff that was suggested i checked but i didn't they are very helpful like Uninstallview and some other programs


i released V4
here are the changes

Programs Added

BurnInTest 9.2
BurnInTest 8.1
R-Drive image
Broadcom Symantec Ghost V12
Norton Symatec ghost V12
OneKey Ghost
HDDLow Level Format Tool

Boot.wim size is 801 MB , i know it's big but that's due to the nature of the WinPE itself
i will try to reduce the size of it , it just takes time because i'm still not Pro in these stuff


Windows 10 Ankh (22H2)


- Не менее 2 ГБ оперативной памяти
- ПК или ноутбук x64 (64 бит), процессоры x86 (32 бит) не поддерживаются.

Дата выпуска: 2 сентября 2023 г.
Версия выпуска: 4
Размер: 1,20 ГБ

Примечание : Теперь вы можете интегрировать свои драйверы в Boot.wim с помощью DISM, Wintoolkit или NTLite.
Основное обновление : Добавлено гораздо больше программ.
Исправлены ассоциации файлов для Media Player Classic, теперь он читает «Видео».
В контекстное меню рабочего стола добавлено еще 2 параметра.
Добавлены драйверы Wi-Fi для поддержки ПК/ноутбуков 10-го, 11-го, 12-го и 13-го поколений.

Думаю как добавить русский)

Windows 10 PE AnkhTech V4 - Все для вас)
Windows 10 AnkhTech V4 - Для порядка)

Активаторы Windows 10:

MAS AIO (By WindowsAddict)
KMS Suite 9.7 (By mephistooo2)
Последнее редактирование:


Windows 10 Ankh (22H2)


- Не менее 2 ГБ оперативной памяти
- ПК или ноутбук x64 (64 бит), процессоры x86 (32 бит) не поддерживаются.

Дата выпуска: 2 сентября 2023 г.
Версия выпуска: 4
Размер: 1,20 ГБ

Примечание : Теперь вы можете интегрировать свои драйверы в Boot.wim с помощью DISM, Wintoolkit или NTLite.
Основное обновление : Добавлено гораздо больше программ.
Исправлены ассоциации файлов для Media Player Classic, теперь он читает «Видео».
В контекстное меню рабочего стола добавлено еще 2 параметра.
Добавлены драйверы Wi-Fi для поддержки ПК/ноутбуков 10-го, 11-го, 12-го и 13-го поколений.

Думаю как добавить русский)

Windows 10 PE AnkhTech V4 - Все для вас)
Windows 10 AnkhTech V4 - Для порядка)

Активаторы Windows 10:

MAS AIO (By WindowsAddict)
KMS Suite 9.7 (By mephistooo2)
i believe adding Russian will be very hard
as i have added all the programs in english
even that i'm from egypt and my original language is arabic
but i believe making it in english will allow it to be used by most people from around the world

i know how hard it's to use something in a language you don't know
as i'm using a translator on my browser to translate from Russian